Edited Volumes

Edited Volumes

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Kurt Appel

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Herausgaben (ENGLISCHSPRACHIGE Publikationen) - Edited Volumes (ENGLISH Publications)  - Edizione (Pubblicazioni in INGLESE)


Publication by PAOLO COSTA: The Post-Secular City. The New Secularization Debate

Kurt Appel / Jakob Deibl (Eds.)

Series: Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplementa, Volume 2

Brill Schöningh, Padderborn 2022

[Link zum Buch]

“The Post-Secular City” is the first attempt to systematically map and assess the recent debate about secularization.
“The Post-Secular City” examines the alleged shift from a “secular” to a “post-secular” dispensation from the perspective of the ongoing de-construction of the secularization “theorem” (as Hans Blumenberg called it). Accordingly, the new secularization debate is described as being polarized between the “de-constructors” and the “maintainers” of the standard thesis of secularization. This is the assumption underlying an ambitious effort to map the field, which consists of a long introduction where “secularization” is analyzed as a deeply problematic concept-of-process and of eight chapters in which several protagonists of the recent debate are discussed as crucial junctions of a multidisciplinary conversation.

In Praise of Mortality. Christianity and New Humanism

Kurt Appel (Ed.)

Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas, and Carl Raschke

Reihe: Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplementa, Volume 1

Brill Schöningh, Paderborn 2022 (peer reviewed)

ISBN 978-3-506-79124-5

DOI: doi.org/10.30965/9783657791248

[Link zum Brill-Verlag]

[Link zum Schöningh-Verlag]

[Deutsche Version: K. Appel (Hg.), Preis der Sterblichkeit. Christentum und Neuer Humanismus (QD 271), Herder: Freiburg 2015]

This volume shows that the vulnerability and mortality of life are the starting points of its transcendence which exceeds all representability.
Only by renouncing fantasies of omnipotence of a theological, philosophical and scientific nature, human beings can advance to their destiny and introduce a New Humanism enabling a bond between all that is alive and between human beings and their transcendent dimension. This includes an understanding of time that no longer follows chronological-mechanistic constraints, a non-instrumental understanding of language that finds its dimension of depth in prayer and an understanding of God in which God is inseparably related to the openness of human existence. In traversing the arising avenues of thought, the four-part volume, written by three authors but to be read as a unity, is oriented towards a philosophy of central biblical passages, Hegel‘sThe Phenomenology of Spirit, Musil‘s Man Without Qualities, Hölderlin‘s poetry and Lacan´s psychoanalysis.


Rescuing fraternity - Together. A call to faith and reflection

P. Sequeri / K. Appel / C. Casalone / D. Cornati / J. Duque / I. Guanzini / M. Neri / G.C. Pagazzi / V. Rosito / G. Serrano / L. Vantini (Hg.)

Afterword by Vincenzo Paglia (Humana Communitas Series)

Published by the Pontifical Academy for Life. Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Roma 2021

Versione italiana: Salvare la fraternità insieme - un appello per la fede e il pensiero

Postfazione di Vicenzo Paglia, Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Roma 2021

Versión espanola: Salvar la fraternidad - Juntos

Un llamamiento a la fe y al pensamiento, Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Roma 2021

Versión en francés: Sauver la fraternité - Ensemble

Un appell pour la foi et pour la pensée, Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Roma 2021

[Link zur Website]

In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism

Kurt Appel (Ed.)

Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Issue 20.2 (Spring 2021), Whitestone Publishing: Stonewood 2021 (peer reviewed)

[Link zur Ausgabe]

Deutsche Version: K. Appel (Hg.), Preis der Sterblichkeit. Christentum und Neuer Humanismus (QD 271), Herder: Freiburg 2015


The Crisis of Representation. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 7

Kurt Appel / Carl Raschke (Hg.)

V&R unipress: Göttingen 2018 (peer reviewed)



The term “Crisis of Representation” rose to fame through Michel Foucault. The crisis, in the context of this issue, has not only a political and economic dimension, but a cultural, aesthetic and religious one as well. Thus, a serious inquiry into this complex and multidimensional phenomenon requires an interdisciplinary approach. The issue targets the phenomena at hand through 15 contributions – all with unique and innovative approaches to the topic. One common aim that holds the issue together is the analysis of the nature of the crisis, which helps to find suitable theoretical frameworks. On the other hand, the term itself functions as a tool that enables the analysis of specific societal developments. Contributing authors brought with them expertise from their respective fields including philosophy, political sciences, theology, Islamic studies and religious studies. This allowed for a cross-disciplinary approach on the phenomenon with special foci on politics, religions, societies and finance, as well as theoretical developments on current philosophical and post-colonial discourses.


Religious Fundamentalism. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 3

Kurt Appel / Isabella Guanzini (Hg.)

V&R unipress: Göttingen 2016 (peer reviewed)


Fundamentalismus ist ein drängendes und unausweichliches Thema der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft. Obwohl die Forschung zu religiösem Fundamentalismus in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen hat, ist eine interdisziplinäre und systematische Untersuchung der theoretischen Grundlagen von Fundamentalismen, ihrer globalpolitischen Konsequenzen und ihrer Bedeutung in einer weltweit vernetzten Gesellschaft noch ausständig. Die dritte Ausgabe des Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society setzt sich mit gegenwärtigen Formen religiöser Fundamentalismen aus einer interdisziplinären und interkonfessionellen Perspektive auseinander. Die Artikel fragen sowohl nach den Voraussetzungen und theoretischen Hintergründen religiöser Fundamentalismen als auch nach konkreten Ausformungen von Fundamentalismus in verschiedenen Religionen. Im Kontext aktueller Ereignisse sind der islamische Fundamentalismus, Dschihadismus sowie die Beziehung zwischen Fundamentalismus und Internet zentrale Themen. Eine weitere wichtige Thematik ist die Herausforderung, die Fundamentalismus für die religiöse Bildung darstellt. Darüber hinaus konzentriert sich ein großer Teil der Beiträge auf die Suche nach kritischen Ressourcen gegen religiösen Fundamentalismus, die nicht zuletzt in den religiösen Traditionen selbst gefunden werden können.

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