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Univ.-Prof. DDr.

Kurt Appel

Since 2011, Kurt Appel, DPhil., DTheol., has been a Professor for Philosophy of Religion and Fundamental Theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna. He is Speaker of the interdisciplinary Research Centre “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society” (University of Vienna).
He has been Visiting Scholar at the Facoltà teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale (Milan) in 2004, Visiting Professor at the Facoltà teologica dell'Emiglia Romagna (Bologna) in 2009, at the Facoltà teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale (Milan) in 2010, at the Waldenser-University in Rome in 2016; Visiting Professor for Theoretical Philosophy at the Dipartimento di lettere e di filosofia, Università di Trento in 2017; Visiting Professor for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Denver in 2020; Visiting Professor for Philosphy of Modernity at the University of Perugia 2022.
Recent Publications: K. Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Issue 20.2 (Spring 2021), Whitestone Publishing: Stonewood 2021. Trinità e apertura di Dio, tradotto da Marco Casadei (Al di là del detto 89), Pazzini Editore: Rimini 2021. (versione tedesca: Trinität und Offenheit Gottes, 2016) (peer reviewed)

Current News 


Article "A Call for Openness"

Kurt Appel

in: William T. Cavanaugh / Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez / Ikenna Ugochukwu Okafor / Daniel Frankling E. Pilario (Eds.), Fratelli Tutti. A Global Commentary

Studies in World Catholicism, Volume 13: Oregon 2024, 111-119

Eternity Between Space and Time.
From Consciousness to the Cosmos

Ines Testoni / Fabio Scardigli / Andrea Tolino / Gabriele Gionti

DeGruyter: Berlin/Boston 2024

Among others with contributions from Roger Penrose, Gerard 't Hooft and Massimo Cacciari

Contribution by Kurt Appel: The Eighth Day. Biblical Time as Openness of Chronological Times, 163-172


Program (Summer Semester 2024)

Seminar for Masterands and Dissertants

[View Programm]

Guest Lectures by Carl Raschke (Denver), Andrea Aguti (Urbino), Cristina Guarnieri (Editor of the Publishing House "Castelvecchi Editore"), Bret W. Davis (Maryland), and others

CURRENT LECTURES / Kurt Appel (Summer Semester 2024)

010 098 FS "Kant: The Critique of Judgment"

Wednesdays (Start: 13th of March 2024), 4.45.-6.15 pm (Seminar Room 5 [Cath], 1st Floor, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A-1010 Vienna)

010 010 FS "Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness"

Wednesdays (Start: 13th of March 2024), 6.30-8.00 pm (Seminar Room 5 [Cath], 1st Floor, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A-1010 Vienna)

600 003 DR Seminar for Dissertants "Hans-Dieter Bahr's Philosophy of open horizons"

Tuesdays (Start: 19th of March 2024), 6.30-8.00 pm (Seminar Room 5 [Cath], 1st Floor, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A-1010 Vienna)

600 002 DR "Seminario per i dottorandi di lingua italiana" (Seminar for Italian-speaking doctoral candidates)

May 2024 (Stift Melk)

Semester Program (Winter Semester 2023/24)

Seminar for Master Students and Dissertants

[View the Program]

Study Day (Wednesday, 24th of January 2024)

2.00-4.00 pm

Guest Lecture by Enrico Peroli

Die Heimstatt des Selbst und die Sprache der Substanz bei Aristoteles

(La dimora del sè e il linguaggio della sostanza)

6.30-8.30 pm

Guest Lecture by Enrico Peroli

"Non aliud" - Die Philosophie des Absoluten bei Cusanus

Guest Lecture by Markus Riedenauer

Konjekturale Erkenntnistheorie und Metaphysik

Article "Recognition, Irony, and Faith"

Kurt Appel

in: Pavol Bargár / Peter Jonkers (Eds.), The Faith and Beliefs of "Nonbelivers"

Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VIII, Christian Philosophical Studies, Volume 24

The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy: Washington 2024, 151-162

Article "The Eighth Day. Biblical Time as Openness of Chronological Time"

Kurt Appel

in: Ines Testoni / Fabio Scardigli / Andrea Tolino / Gabriele Gionti (Eds.), Eternity Between Space and Time. From Consciousness to the Cosmos

DeGruyter: Berlin/Boston 2024, 163-172



CURRENT LECTURES / Kurt Appel (Winter Semester 2023/24)

010 096 FS Master and Diploma Seminar "Encounters between Religion and Aesthetics: Current Issues and Challenges"

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS)

Preliminary Meeting: Tuesday, 10th of October 2023, 06.00 pm to 06.30 pm (via Zoom)

360 007 DR Seminar for Dissertants "Current Challenges in the Philosophy of Religion"

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS)

Tuesdays (Start: 10th of October 2023), 06.30 pm to 08.00 pm (the course takes place DIGITALLY via Zoom)

010 098 FS "Jacques Lacan: Subject of the Unconscious"

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS)

Wednesdays (Start: 11th of October 2023), 04.45 pm to 06.15 pm (Seminar Room 5 [Cath], 1st Floor, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A-1010 Vienna)

010 097 FS "Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: Self-Consciousness"

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS)

Wednesdays (Start: 11th of October 2023), 06.30 pm to 08.00 pm (Seminar Room 5 [Cath], 1st Floor, Schenkenstraße 8-10, A-1010 Vienna)

360 007 DR Seminario per i dottorandi di lingua italiana

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS)

Blocked Course: 5th to 6th of November 2023 (Stift Melk/Melk Abbey)


TGF-News Number 16 (Summer Semester 2023)


OVERVIEW ARTICLES 2023 by Kurt Appel (Status: 12th of July 2023)

Annullare le coscienze. Menzogna, manipolazione, oppressione. Riflessioni da G. Orwell, in: La coscienza e il potere. Forme e figure della politica (Chiesa in Italia – Edizione 2023. Annale de Il regno), 67-78

Göttliche Vorsehung, Theodizee, Freiheit und das Wesen der Zeit, in: Concilium. Internationale Zeitschrift für Theologie: Würzburg 2023, DOI 10.53385/con.2023.3.279-286, 279-286  [Abstract]
[English Version: Divine Providence, Theodicy, Freedom and the Essence of Time]

[Italian Version: Divina provvidenza, teodicea, libertà e l'essenza del tempo]  [Abstract]
[Spanish Version: Providencia divina, teodicea, libertad y la escencia del tiempo] 

Hegel und das Offene der Gottesfrage mit einem Ausblick auf Lacans Register des Imaginären, des Symbolischen und des Realen, in: Esther Heinrich-Ramharter / Michael Staudigl (Eds.), Religionsphilosophie heute. Stimmen – Schauplätze – Systeme, Karl Alber Verlag: Baden-Baden 2023, 65-109 (in collaboration with Martin Eleven) 


Kritik an Repräsentationen der Macht. Die politische Dimension des Evangeliums in der geschwisterlichen Alterität von Bibel und Koran, in: Regina Polak (Ed.), Interreligiöser Dialog. Wissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Begegnung der abrahamitischen Religionen, Series: Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (Vol. 23), Brill/Schöningh 2023, 149-169, DOI: 10.30965/9783657790241_016


L’Europa, il sacrificio, l’apocalisse. Il contributo biblico per la pace, in: Hermeneutica. Annuario di filosofia e teologia. Le ragioni della pace e le ragioni della Guerra, Morcelliana: Bresca 2023, 85-104 [Abstract]

“La vita non è diversa dalla vita, perché la vita è nella Divinità unificata”. Amore e libertà negli Scritti giovanili di Hegel, in: M. Moscini (Ed.), Idea, in: Nova Theoretica, Inschibboleth Edizioni: Roma 2023, 33-57 (in collaboration with Daniel Kuran) [Abstract]

Postfazione, in: Pierangelo Sequeri, Il Grembo di Dio. Questioni/1. Ontologia trinitaria e affezione creatrice. Dizionario dinamico di ontologia trinitaria 5, Città Nuova Editrice: Roma 2023, 289-298 


"Generare e pensare di un mondo aperto"

in: Pierangelo Sequeri (Ed.), Iniziare dai molti. Orizzonti del pensiero fraterno

Humana Communitas Series, published by the Pontifical Academy for Life Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Città del Vaticano, Roma 2023, 101-112

[Press Release]

LINK [Italian]: Academy for Life

LINK [English]: Academy for Life



"Zeit, Gott und Freiheit in der Monadologie von Leibniz"

Evandro Agazzi / Andreas Arndt / Hans-Peter Grosshans (Eds.), Interpretationen einer gemeinsamen Welt. Von der Antike bis zur Moderne. Festschrift für Jure Zovko

Philosophie im internationalen Kontext (Philosophy in International Context), Bd. 15

LIT: Münster 2022, 317-340.


"The Post-Secular City. The New Secularization Debate"

Kurt Appel / Jakob Deibl (Eds.)

Series: Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplementa, Volume 2

Brill Schöningh, Padderborn 2022


"Die Umkehr als absolutes Ereignis. Von der Umkehr als Ereignis des Absoluten, der Umkehr des Unumkehrbaren und der offenen Grenze der Umkehr"

in: Georg Braulik / Agnethe Siquans / Jan-Heiner Tück (Eds.), Dein Wort ist meinem Fuß eine Leuchte. Festschrift für Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger

Herder: Freiburg i.Br. 2022, 15-29.

International Conference "Eternità tra Spazio e Tempo: dalla coscienza al cosmo" [Eternity between Space and Time: from Consciousness to the Cosmos] (19.-21.05.2022)

The Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) of the University of Padua, on the occasion of the celebrations for the Athenaeum's Ottocentenary, is organizing the international conference "Eternità tra Spazio e Tempo: dalla coscienza al cosmo"

Under the scientific direction of Ines Testoni, Fabio Scardigli and Andrea Toniolo, EST brings into dialogue Nobel laureates - Penrose and T'Hooft -, world-renowned researchers - including Veneziano, Faggin, Plebani, Appel, Cacciari - to discuss how to approach the concept of eternity in an innovative way.

[LINK to the Text (Italian Language) / University of Padua]


"In Praise of Mortality. Christianity and New Humanism"

Kurt Appel (Ed.)

Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas, and Carl Raschke

Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplementa, Volume 1

Brill Schöningh, Padderborn 2022

ISBN 978-3-506-79124-5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657791248

[Link to Brill]

[Link to Schöningh]

[German Version: K. Appel (Ed.), Preis der Sterblichkeit. Christentum und Neuer Humanismus (QD 271), Herder: Freiburg 2015]

CURRENT LECTURES (Summer Term 2022)

010 015 VO "Advanced Course Fundamental Theology: Religion and God in Contemporary Society"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 074 FS "Heideggers Holzwege"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 071 FS "The End of Hegel. The opening and closing passages from Hegel's Phenomenology, Logic & Encyclopedia"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 072 FS Research Seminar for Graduands

[Link to the Lecture]



"Quando il cielo si squarcia. Il corano come evangelo per i cristiani"

Kurt Appel

EDB, Bologna 2021, 72 p.

ISBN: 978-88-10-55993-2

In questo manifesto teologico si pone la questione di cosa significhi che dopo il cristianesimo si affermi una religione – l’islam – con la pretesa di rivelazione che si riferisce a Gesù e al cristianesimo. C‘è una rivelazione di Dio nel Corano e possono i cristiani riconoscere un Evangelo in esso? Cosa significa quando cristiani e musulmani parlano insieme in nome di Dio, come nel caso di papa Francesco e del Grande Sceicco della Moschea Al-Azhar Al Tayyeb? Questo libro solleva inoltre due interrogativi: se cristiani e musulmani devono considerare le loro fedi l'una alla luce dell‘altra e cosa comporterebbe per un‘interpretazione della rivelazione cristiana considerare il Corano come una rivelazione voluta da Dio.

Sommario. I. La dichiarazione congiunta di Papa Francesco e del Grande Imam Al-Tayyeb. II. Il Corano come Evangelo. III. Il nome di Dio. IV. Gesù e il nome YHWH. V. Spirito, libertà e leggibilità del mondo. VI. Il credo trinitario e il Corano.


"Rescuing Fraternity - Together. A call to faith and reflection"

P. Sequeri / K. Appel / C. Casalone / D. Cornati / J. Duque / I. Guanzini / M. Neri / G.C. Pagazzi / V. Rosito / G. Serrano / L. Vantini

Afterword by V. Paglia

Humana Communitas Series, published by the Pontifical Academy for Life Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2021

[Press Release]


LINK [Italian]: Academy for Life

LINK [English]: Academy for Life

LECTURES (WiSe 2021/22)

010 024 VO "Basic Course Fundamental Theology I: Revelation and History"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 074 FS "Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 071 FS "Hegel's Science of Logic. The Absolute Idea"

[Link to the Lecture]

010 072 FS Research Seminar for Graduands

[Link to the Lecture]


"Trinità e apertura di Dio"

Kurt Appel

Pazzini Editore, Villa Verucchio 2021


"Die Selbstverständlichkeit der Illusion. Wahrheit im Denken alternativer noetischer Welten"

Lecture at the Online Conference "Die Illusion des Selbstverständlichen" (13.-14.11.2020, organized by the Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Bonn)

To the Lecture (youtube-Link) / German Language


"La conversione come evento assoluto"

in: Società degli individui (LA). Quadrimestrale di Filosofia e teoria sociale 70, XXIV (2021/1), S. 113-126,

DOI 10.3280/LAS2021-070009. Peer reviewed.


Research Seminar for Graduands

(SoSe 2021)

View Schedule


"Nel confronto tra Bibbia e Corano: l'alterità fraterna "

in: il Regno attualità 6/2021, 191-201

Link to "il Regno"


"Hegel und das Offene der Gottesfrage"

in: Aaron Langenfeld / Sarah Rosenhauer / Stephan Steiner (Eds.), Menschlicher Geist - Göttlicher Geist. Beiträge zur Philosophie und Theologie des Geistes

Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2021, 229-248. Peer reviewed

Link to the Book



"Reform and Renewal in Local Churches: Lessons from Rosmini and Pope Francis"

in: Stan Chu Ilo / Nora K. Nonterah /  Idara Otu (Eds.), Faith in Action. Volume 1: Reform, Mission and Pastoral Renewal in African Catholicism Since Vatican II.

With a foreword by Sithembele Sipuka

Pickwick Publications, Oregon 2020, 75-95. Peer reviewed.

Link to the Publisher


"Hegel, Hölderlin e l'apertura della 'Gottesfrage'"

Kurt Appel / Jakob Helmut Deibl

in: estetica. studi e ricerche 2/20, 439-478

DOI: 10.14648/99201

Link to the journal


"Il problema attuale della teodicea"

in: Andrés Torres Queiruga, La preghiera ai tempi del coronavirus: ripensare la teodicea. Postfazione di Kurt Appel, a cura di Marco Dal Corso e Francesco Strazzari. Traduzione dallo spagnolo e dal tedesco a cura di Francesco Strazzari e Antonio Dall'Osto

Pazzini, Villa Veruccio (RN) 2020, 67-79. Peer reviewed.


"La giustizia della verità. Riflessioni intorno alla teologia per l'università che verrà"

in: Dario Cornati / Ezio Prato (Hg.), Fratello Dio. Invenzioni a più voci. Studi in onore di Pierangelo Sequeri nel suo LXXV compleanno

Glossa: Milano 2020, 465-482. Peer reviewed.


"A Theological Reflection in Times of Covid-19: God and the Meaning of History in our World"

RaT Blog (November 13, 2020)

Link to the blog


"Hegel - Thinker of Freedom"

RaT Blog (August 27, 2020)

Link to the blog


"Corpus Domini. La messa e la consacrazione al tempo del virus, tra guanti e pinze per la comunione. Una questione teologica"

in: Il Foglio (30.-31. Mai 2020)

Link to the interview


"Il paradosso e la rivoluzione"

in: il Regno attualità e documenti 20 (2020), 593-596

Interview by Gabriele Palasciano

Link to the interview


"Non avrai altro vacino all'infuori di me"

in: Tempi 2020-06, 53-54


"Come tenere insieme la memoria e il futuro"

in: Domenica. Settimanale di tutte le cose visibili e invisibili

"Dio alla fine del linguaggio. Riflessioni su Dio visto da Hegel"

Sophia XI (2020-1), 95-110
ABSTRACT (English)

"Die Grenze der Grenzen. Christentum, Abrahamitische Religionen, Zivilgesellschaft und die Neubestimmung des öffentlichen Raums in Europa"

in: Irene Klissenbauer / Franz Gassner / Petra Steinmair-Pösel / Peter G. Kirchschläger (Eds.), Menschenrechte und Gerechtigkeit als bleibende Aufgaben. Beiträge aus Religion, Theologie, Ethik, Recht und Wirtschaft

V&R unipress, Göttingen 2020, 107-121. Peer reviewed
ABSTRACT (English) Link to the Book (Open Access)

"Il significato del mito nella filosofia di Pareyson e nella filosofia di Schelling"

in: C. Ciancio, M. Pagano (Eds.), Il pensiero della libertà. Luigi Pareyson a cent´anni dalla nascita (Essere e libertà 30). 

Mimesis Edizioni: Milano, Udine 2020, 75-102 (transl.: Mattia Coser and Ezio Gamba, revised by Kurt Appel). Peer-reviewed. 

"Covid-19- die neue Religion?"

Die Furche (May 28, 2020)
Link to the pdf Document

"Dio, dove sei? Ripensare la preghiera nel tempo dell'emergenza"

Kurt Appel / Massimo Nardello / Andrés Torres Queiruga (Eds.)

EDB, Bologna 2020

ARTICLE by Kurt Appel in this book
"In cerca della preghiera"

in: Kurt Appel / Massimo Nardello / Andrés Torres Queiruga (Eds.), Dio, dove sei? Ripensare la preghiera nel tempo dell'emergenza

EDB, Bologna 2020, 9-19
Abstract Link to the Publisher

"Siamo al cospetto di un messianismo universale. La pandemia rischia di diventare la versione moderna della religione universale"

Il Foglio (May 21, 2020)
Link to the Article at Il Foglio Link to the radio program "Paginatre" - RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana)

"Per i giovani, un manifesto"

SettimanaNews (April 20, 2020) 
Link to the Article at SettimanaNews

"In cerca della preghiera" - "In Search of Prayer"

SettimanaNews (April 8, 2020) 

Link to the Article at SettimanaNews Link to the pdf Document

"Dopo Francesco, quello che resta" 

in: Daniela Menozzi / Pierangelo Sequeri / Stella Morra / Paolo Benanti/ Angelo Vincenzo Zani / Kurt Appel, Profezia di Francesco. Traiettorie di un pontificato. Prefazione di Marcello Neri 

EDB, Bologna 2020, 105-115
Link to the Book


"The Border of Borders. Christianity and the Rethinking of Public Space"

in: Interdisciplinary Journal  for Religion and Transformation 5 (2019)

Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2020, 514-528

This article examines the significance of public space for the European project and reflects on the contribution of Christianity to the shaping of today’s public space. It is characterized by a common and shared symbolic, social, cultural, economic, political and geographical sphere that is potentially accessible and open to all people and welcomes creative participation. Today the specific task of Christianity consists not at least in the concretization of the idea of universal friendship in view of an ethos of empathy and inclusion which is perceptive of migrants and their narratives. The development of a amicable and non-hegemonic coexistence of Christianity, Islam and the secular world in Europe poses a particular challenge. In addition, it is necessary to make one’s own traditions and potentials fruitful in such a way that also the dead, who in the secular world are largely excluded, obtain a corresponding presence in the world of the living beyond nihilistic resignation. In this context it becomes apparent that the vocation of Christianity consists in providing an exit strategy to closed social and symbolic worlds. This exit includes the subversion of boundaries. It does not create an abstract boundlessness, but sets in motion a continuous process of creative openings and shifts in which public space becomes concrete as a place of ever new approaches, exits and inclusions.
Link to the Article

"Religion, Community, Borders: Social Imaginaries and the Chall enge of Pluralism" 

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society JRaT 5 (2/2019)

Edited by Laurens ten Kate and Ernst van den Hemel

This issue was published in collaboration with the international consortium SIMAGINE (based at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht; members from the Universities of Cambridge, Boulder, Bloemfontein, Amsterdam, Brussels, Vienna)
Link to the Journal

"Misericordia e tenerezza. Il programma teologico di papa Francesco"

Kurt Appel / Helmut Jakob Deibl (Ed.)

Edizioni San Paolo, Milan 2019
Link to the Publisher
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